Andreas Blaette. Author, maintainer.
Bernard Desgraupes. Author.
Sylvain Loiseau. Author.
Oliver Christ. Contributor.
Bruno Maximilian Schulze. Contributor.
Stephanie Evert. Contributor.
Arne Fitschen. Contributor.
Jeroen Ooms. Contributor.
Marius Bertram. Contributor.
Tomas Kalibera. Contributor.
Blaette A, Desgraupes B, Loiseau S (2023). RcppCWB: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB'). R package version 0.6.0,
@Manual{, title = {RcppCWB: 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')}, author = {Andreas Blaette and Bernard Desgraupes and Sylvain Loiseau}, year = {2023}, note = {R package version 0.6.0}, url = {}, }