Sentiment analyses are very popular. Text Mining blogs are showing the many possibilities to capture the variation of text evaluations with a numerical indicator and how to analyse and display changes over time.
Which movies are rated particularly good or particularly bad? This can be examined using film reviews. What is the response of customers to a new product? Comments in social media can be examined for this purpose. There is certainly a range of useful application scenarios for sentiment analyses, especially beyond science.
What are the benefits of sentiment analyses in scientific work? Here, validity and reliability of the method do provide challenge. What do we measure when we measure ‘sentiments’? It depends on the answer to this question when and how sentiment analyses can be used as a fruitful and profound research instrument. There is one major distinction within the approach:
- Dictionary-based methods measure using lists with positive / negative vocabulary.
- Machine Learning based methods are developed from training data with known evaluations and make derivations for texts to be reassessed using an algorithm.
In this manual we work with a, much simpler, dictionary-based method.