Get concordances for the matches for a query / perform keyword-in-context (kwic) analysis.

kwic(.Object, ...)

# S4 method for context
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  cpos = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,

# S4 method for slice
  cqp = is.cqp,
  left = getOption("polmineR.left"),
  right = getOption("polmineR.right"),
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  p_attribute = "word",
  boundary = NULL,
  cpos = TRUE,
  stoplist = NULL,
  positivelist = NULL,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

# S4 method for partition
  cqp = is.cqp,
  left = getOption("polmineR.left"),
  right = getOption("polmineR.right"),
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  p_attribute = "word",
  boundary = NULL,
  cpos = TRUE,
  stoplist = NULL,
  positivelist = NULL,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

# S4 method for subcorpus
  cqp = is.cqp,
  left = getOption("polmineR.left"),
  right = getOption("polmineR.right"),
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  p_attribute = "word",
  boundary = NULL,
  cpos = TRUE,
  stoplist = NULL,
  positivelist = NULL,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

# S4 method for corpus
  cqp = is.cqp,
  check = TRUE,
  left = as.integer(getOption("polmineR.left")),
  right = as.integer(getOption("polmineR.right")),
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  p_attribute = "word",
  boundary = NULL,
  cpos = TRUE,
  stoplist = NULL,
  positivelist = NULL,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  progress = TRUE,

# S4 method for character
  cqp = is.cqp,
  check = TRUE,
  left = as.integer(getOption("polmineR.left")),
  right = as.integer(getOption("polmineR.right")),
  s_attributes = getOption("polmineR.meta"),
  p_attribute = "word",
  boundary = NULL,
  cpos = TRUE,
  stoplist = NULL,
  positivelist = NULL,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  progress = TRUE,

# S4 method for remote_corpus
kwic(.Object, ...)

# S4 method for remote_partition
kwic(.Object, ...)

# S4 method for remote_subcorpus
kwic(.Object, ...)

# S4 method for partition_bundle
kwic(.Object, ..., verbose = FALSE)

# S4 method for subcorpus_bundle
kwic(.Object, ...)



A (length-one) character vector with the name of a CWB corpus, a partition or context object.


Further arguments, used to ensure backwards compatibility. If .Object is a remote_corpus of remote_partition object, the three dots (...) are used to pass arguments. Hence, it is necessary to state the names of all arguments to be passed explicity.


Structural attributes (s-attributes) to include into output table as metainformation.


Logical, if TRUE, a data.table with the corpus positions ("cpos") of the hits and their surrounding context will be assigned to the slot "cpos" of the kwic-object that is returned. Defaults to TRUE, as the availability of the cpos-data.table will often be a prerequisite for further operations on the kwic object. Omitting the table may however be useful to minimize memory consumption.


A logical value, whether to print messages.


A query, CQP-syntax can be used.


Either a logical value (TRUE if query is a CQP query), or a function to check whether query is a CQP query or not (defaults to auxiliary function is.query).


Number of tokens to the left of query match.


Number of tokens to the right of query match.


The p-attribute, defaults to 'word'.


If provided, a length-one character vector stating an s-attribute that will be used to check the boundaries of the text.


Terms or ids to prevent a concordance from occurring in results.


Terms or ids required for a concordance to occurr in results


Logical, whether stoplist/positivelist is interpreted as regular expression.


A logical value, whether to check validity of CQP query using check_cqp_query.


A logical value, whether to show progress bar.


If there are no matches, or if all (initial) matches are dropped due to the application of a positivelist, a NULL is returned.


The method works with a whole CWB corpus defined by a character vector, and can be applied on a partition- or a context object.

If a positivelist is supplied, only those concordances will be kept that have one of the terms from the positivelist occurr in the context of the query match. Use argument regex if the positivelist should be interpreted as regular expressions. Tokens from the positivelist will be highlighted in the output table.

If a negativelist is supplied, concordances are removed if any of the tokens of the negativelist occurrs in the context of the query match.

Applying the kwic-method on a partition_bundle or subcorpus_bundle will return a single kwic object that includes a column 'subcorpus_name' with the name of the subcorpus (or partition) in the input object where the match for a concordance occurs.


Baker, Paul (2006): Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: continuum, pp. 71-93 (ch. 4).

Jockers, Matthew L. (2014): Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature. Cham et al: Springer, pp. 73-87 (chs. 8 & 9).

See also

The return value is a kwic-class object; the documentation for the class explains the standard generic methods applicable to kwic-class objects. It is possible to read the whole text where a query match occurs, see the read-method. To highlight terms in the context of a query match, see the highlight-method.


#> ... activating corpus: GERMAPARLMINI (version: 0.0.1 | build date: 2019-02-23)
#> ... activating corpus: REUTERS
# basic usage K <- kwic("GERMAPARLMINI", "Integration") if (interactive()) show(K) oil <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil") if (interactive()) show(oil) oil <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil") %>% highlight(yellow = "crude") if (interactive()) show(oil) # increase left and right context and display metadata K <- kwic( "GERMAPARLMINI", "Integration", left = 20, right = 20, s_attributes = c("date", "speaker", "party") ) if (interactive()) show(K) # use CQP syntax for matching K <- kwic( "GERMAPARLMINI", '"Integration" [] "(Menschen|Migrant.*|Personen)"', cqp = TRUE, left = 20, right = 20, s_attributes = c("date", "speaker", "party") ) if (interactive()) show(K) # check that boundary of region is not transgressed K <- kwic( "GERMAPARLMINI", '"Sehr" "geehrte"', cqp = TRUE, left = 100, right = 100, boundary = "date" )
#> ... checking that context positions to not transgress regions
#> ... checking that all s-attributes are available
#> ... get struc for s-attribute: date
#> ... checking boundaries of regions
#> | | | 0% | |==== | 5% | |======= | 10% | |========== | 15% | |============== | 20% | |================== | 25% | |===================== | 30% | |======================== | 35% | |============================ | 40% | |================================ | 45% | |=================================== | 50% | |====================================== | 55% | |========================================== | 60% | |============================================== | 65% | |================================================= | 70% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================== | 80% | |============================================================ | 85% | |=============================================================== | 90% | |================================================================== | 95% | |======================================================================| 100%
if (interactive()) show(K) # use positivelist and highlight matches in context K <- kwic("GERMAPARLMINI", query = "Integration", positivelist = "[Ee]urop.*", regex = TRUE)
#> ... filtering by positivelist
#> ... number of hits droped due to positivelist: 20
K <- highlight(K, yellow = "[Ee]urop.*", regex = TRUE) # Apply kwic on partition_bundle/subcorpus_bundle gparl_2009_11_10_speeches <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% subset(date == "2009-11-10") %>% as.speeches(s_attribute_name = "speaker", progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) k <- kwic(gparl_2009_11_10_speeches, query = "Integration")