polmineR 0.8.5 2020-09-22

New Features

  • A new decode() method for data.table objects shall serve as a more user-friendly access to the efficiency of the RcppCWB::cl_cpos2str() function.
  • The data.frame returned when calling corpus() will now include a column with the encoding of the corpus.

Bug fixes

  • The warn argument of the get_template()-method remained unused, resulting in a warning message even if warn was FALSE, resulting in a set of warning messages when calling corpus(). The argument is used as intended now and defaults to FALSE.
  • The as.markdown()-method for subcorpus objects now uses an (internal) default template accessible via polmineR:::default_template, if no template is defined for a corpus.
  • The registry_get_encoding() function returned a length-one character vector if the regular expression to extract the charset corpus property did not yield a match. To prevent errors, it now returns “latin1” as the CWB standard encoding (#159).

polmineR 0.8.4 2020-07-22

Minor Improvements

  • The knit_print()-method for textstat objects does not accept the three dots argument any more. As an installation of pandoc is necessary to include resulting htmlwidget in an html document, the method will check now whether pandoc is available. If not, a formatted data.table is returned.
  • The knit_print()-method for kwic objects does not have the pagelength argument any more as it has been unused. The pagelength is controlled by the option polmineR.pagelength. Internally, the method will call the method for the textstat superclass of the kwic class, which is newly robust against a missing installation of pandoc.
  • Any Unicode characters that could be detected have been removed from the documentation to avoid warnings on the CRAN Solaris test machine (#156).

Bug Fixes

  • The chisquare() method needs to increase the number of digits temporarily, but failed to revert to the original value as expected. One implication was, that rounding the values in data.table objects would fail, and rounding in general yielded very strange results (#155). Fixed.

polmineR 0.8.3 2020-07-01

Minor Improvements

  • The as.data.table()-method defined in the data.table is now reexported and defined and documented for the textstat, regions and bundle class that it can be used cleanly.
  • The installation instructions have been removed from the package vignette. The logical place for these instructions is the README.md file and this will be single place where users will find authoritative up-to-date installation instructions.

polmineR 0.8.2 Unreleased

Minor Improvements

  • The (well-hidden) .importPolMineCorpus()-function has been superseded by cwbtools::corpus_install() and has been removed from the package.
  • Usage of cat() has been replaced by massage() within functions throughout to meet CRAN requirements.
  • The unused argument type has been dropped from the html()-method for partition_bundle objects.
  • The html()-method for character class objects now serves as a worker to generate html from markdown. The html()-method for partition_bundle objects did not return a html class object as stated in the documentation object. Fixed.
  • The store()-method has been declared defunct as it is unnecessary functionality that bloats the package. Using format() in combination with openxlsx::write.xlsx() is the recommended alternative workflow.
  • The mail()-method has been declared defunct and has been removed from the package. A more user-friendly workflow is to use export buttons of the DataTable widgets.
  • The Corpus class has been removed from the package as it has beeen defunct for a while.
  • To avoid the side-effects of the set_template() method on options that may be unnoticed for the user and that potentially violate CRAN policies, the method has been dropped.

Bug Fixes

  • The s_attributes()-method returned a data.table mixing up rows / columns for subcorpora/partitions with a region matrix that would only include a single set of corpus

polmineR 0.8.1 Unreleased

New Features

  • The decode()-method now entails the possibility to decode structural and positional attributes selectively, via new arguments p_attributes and s_attributes (#116). Internally, the reliance on coerce()-methods has been replaced by a simpler if-else-syntax. The as(from, "Annotation") option persists, however.
  • A new argument phrases was added to the count()-method for partition_bundle objects.
  • The slots “user” and “password” of the remote_corpus and the remote_subcorpus class are replaced by a single slot restricted (values TRUE/FALSE) to indicate if a user name and a password are necessary to access a corpus. A file following the conventions of CWB files is assumed to include the credentials for corpus access. This approach avoids the accessibility of the password.
  • Using the temporary registry file can be suppressed by setting the environment variable POLMINER_USE_TMP_REGISTRY as ‘false’. (Background: Necessary to deal with changing temporary directories when polmineR is preloaded in an OpenCPU context.)
  • The Dockerfile included in the package (./inst/docker/debian_polminer_min) prepares a Debian image with a minimal installation of polmineR that will be available at the ‘polmine’ repository at dockerhub (see https://hub.docker.com/r/polmine/debian_polminer_min).
  • The corpus()-method that serves as a constructor either for the corpus or the remote_corpus class does not flag default values for the arguments user and password any more. If the argument server is stated explicitly (not NULL, default), these variables will get the value character(). This way, a set of if/else statements can be omitted and it is much easier to implement methods for the remote_corpus class for corpora that are password-protected, or not.
  • There is now a definition of an S3 as.list.bundle()-method (previously, there has only been the S4 method). The nice consequence is that lapply() and sapply() can be used on bundle objects now (a subcorpus_bundle, for instance)
  • The performance of the count()-method for partition_bundle objects has been improved, it is twice as fast now (#137).
  • The p_attributes method now accepts an argument decode.
  • The p_attributes-method has been implemented for partition_bundle objects.
  • In the shiny app you can launch via polmineR(), the mail-button has been dropped in the kwic, and code can be displayed (using code highlighting)
  • The settings have been dropped from the shiny app altogether, as we have the buttons now the phrases argument is used are now also available when a phrases object is not passed in.
  • Code buttons have been added to the shiny app experimentally.
  • The get_token_stream()-method for partition_bundle objects will now accept an argument phrases(#128).
  • The merge()-method for partition_bundle-objects has been reworked: Substantial performance improvement by relying on RcppCWB::get_region_matrix. Internally, the method performs a check whether the partition/subcorpus objects to be merged are non-overlapping. The default value for the argument verbose is now FALSE, as waiting time is much shorter.

Minor Improvements

  • A new option polmineR.warn.size can be used to control the issuing of warnings for large kwic objects.
  • Indexing Cooccurrences objects had not been possible, now at least using integer indices is possible (#114).
  • Introduced experimentally a feature to count phrases in the count()-method for slice class objects.
  • The corpus() method for a character vector will now abort gracefully with a message if more than one corpus is offered as .Object.
  • The Cooccurrences()-method will now accept zero values (0) for the arguments left and right. Relevant for detecting bigrams / phrases.
  • When sorting the results data.table of a Cooccurrences object, the NA values are pushed to the end of the table now.
  • A new concatenate() method is a worker to collapse tokens into phrases.
  • Implemented pointwise mutual information (PMI) for Cooccurrences class objects, see pmi()-method.
  • Implemented a ngrams()-method for class data.table - useful if you need to work with decoded corpora.
  • Implemented the pmi()-method for the ngrams()-method, to provide a workflow for phrase detection.
  • A new method enrich() for object of class Cooccurrences will add columns with counts for the co-occurring tokens to the data.table in the slot ‘stat’.
  • Removed an inconsistency with the naming of the columns of the data.table in the stat slot of an ngrams object: Column names will now be “word_1” , “word_2” etc.
  • Defined an explicit method count() for subcorpus_bundle objects (just callling callNextMethod() internally) - useful to see the availability of the method in the documentation object.
  • The as.speeches()-method for corpus objects now supports parallelization
  • A unit test checks different methods for generating a DocumentTermMatrix against each other, as a safeguard that different approaches might lead to different results (#139).
  • New class phrases and as.phrases()-method for ngrams and matrix objects. The count()-method now accepts an argument phrases. See the documentation (?phrases).
  • The s_attributes()-method is now consistent with the usage of the unique argument (#133).
  • The hits()-method for partition_bundle objects now accepts an argument s_attribute to include metadata in results (#74).
  • The check_cqp_query() function now has a further argument warn. If TRUE (default), a warning is issued, if the query is buggy. The as.phrases()-method will use the function to avoid that buggy CQP queries may be generated.
  • If no template is set, no reliance on a plain and simple template, and telling error messages, if no template is available (#123).
  • The Corpus class has been re-introduced (temporarily), to avoid an issue with the GermaParl package if the class is not available (#127).
  • The get_template()-method is now defined for the corpus class.
  • The count()-method with arguments breakdown is TRUE and cqp is TRUE has been awfully slow. Fast now.
  • Decoding a p-attribute has seen a substantial performance improvement (#130). A new argument boost allows user to opt for the improvement, which will involve decoding the lexicon directly.
  • The merge()-method is implemented for subcorpus_bundle objects now, and has been implemented for subcorpus objects (#76).
  • Generating a kwic view from a cooccurrences object based on more than one p-attribute will work now (#119).
  • The decode()-method has been defined for integer vectors. Internally it will decide whether decoding token ids is speeded up by reading in the lexicon file directly. The behavior can be triggered explicitly by setting the argument boost as TRUE.
  • The get_token_stream()-method will use the new decode()-method for integer values internally. The argument boost is used by the get_token_stream() to control the approach.
  • Improvements of performance initially implemented for get_token_stream for partition_bundle.
  • Internally, the partition_bundle()-methods defined for character, corpus and partition objects now call the split()-methods for corpus and subcorpus objects, resulting in a huge performance gain (#112).
  • Zero values can be processed by Cooccurrences()-method (#117).
  • The corpus class includes a (new) slot size, just as the regions and the subcorpus classes.
  • The split()-method for corpus objects now accepts the argument xml, to indicate whether the annotation structure of the corpus is flat or nested.
  • The definition of the S4 class partition now includes a prototype defining default values for the slots ‘stat’ (a data.table) and the slot ‘size’ (NA_integer_). This avoids that an incomplete initialization of a partition object will result in an error.
  • The kwic()-method is now available for partition_bundle/subcorpus_bundle-objects (#73).
  • To make the kwic()-method work correctly for partition objects that result from a merge() operation, the cpos()-method for slice objects will extract strucs based on the s-attribute defined in the slot s_attr_strucs rather than the last s-attribute in the list of the slot s-attributes.
  • Class subcorpus is exported for usage in other packages.
  • The default value of the argument progress of the count()-method for partition_bundle objects is now FALSE.
  • The get_type()-method is now defined for the corpus class.
  • Upon starting the shiny app included in the package, the presence of packages “shiny” and “shinythemes” is checked. If the packages are not yet present, an optional install is offered (#110).
  • A coerce method has been defined to turn a corpus object into a subcorpus object, to recover functionality used (internally) that relied on the former Corpus reference class.
  • The Cooccurrences()-method is now defined for the corpus-class, too. The Cooccurrences()-method for the character class now relies on this method.
  • The deprecated Corpus reference class has been dropped from the code altogether: As roxygen::roxygenize() started to check the documentation of R6 classes and reference classes, the poor documentation of this class started to provoke many errors. Rather than starting to write documentation for a deprecated class, getting rid of an outdated and poorly documented class appeared to be the better solution.
  • New coerce method to derive a kwic object from a cooccurrences object. Introduced to serve as a basis for quantitative/qualitative workflows, e.g. integrated in a flexdashboard.
  • There is now a telling error message for the s_attributes() method for corpus objects when values are requested for an s-attribute that does not exist (#122).
  • In the decode()-method for subcorpus objects, s-attributes were not decoded appropriately (#120). Fixed. When decoding a corpus/subcorpus, the struc column is kept (again).
  • A new check in .onLoad() whether polmineR is loaded from the repository directory will ensure that temporary registry files will not be gone when calling devtools::document() (#68).

Bug Fixes

  • In the as.speeches()-method for corpus objects, setting progress as FALSE did not suppress the display of a progress bar. Solved.
  • Removed a bug that occurred when counting matches for CQP queries over a subcorpus_bundle that resulted from CQP queries being turned into invalid column names.
  • Solved: No longer an error when calling polmineR commands after having worked in the shiny app context (#111).
  • A bug caused when the name of an object in a partition_bundle was an empty string and calling count() on this object has been removed (#121).
  • A bug was addressed that occurs when unfolding the region matrix where all regions have the same length (#124).


  • A skeleton documentation of package options is included in the documentation of the package as a whole (?polmineR)

polmineR 0.8.0 2019-12-17

New Features

  • The corpus class has been put in a shape to become the default point of departure of most workflows. All core methods are now available for the corpus class, and have been implemented newly if necessary, e.g. show() and size()-method. The constructor method for a corpus object, the corpus() method, will now check whether the character vector with the corpus ID refers to an available corpus, whether all letters are upper case and issue informative warnings and error messages.
  • The s_attributes()-method for corpus objects has been reworked: It will decode binary files directly, without reliance on the corpus library functions, which is significantly faster.
  • The Corpus reference class is now obsolete after the introduction of the S4 corpus class. To maintain the functionality not covered otherwise, new generics get_info and show_info have been introduced and defined for the corpus class.
  • Methods available for the subcorpus class have been expanded so that this class can supersede the partition class: Methods newly available are cpos(), count(), p_attributes(), s_attributes() get_token_stream(), and size(). Technically, there is virtual slice-class, from which subcorpus inherits (methods called via callNextMethod()).
  • A new subset()-method for the corpus and subcorpus classes to generate subcorpora (i.e. subcorpus objects) has been introduced. It outperforms the partition() method. The subset()-method for corpus and subcorpus objects will be the default way to work with non standard evaluation in a manner that feels “R-ish” (#40).
  • The zoom()-method that has been introduced experimentally has been dropped again in favor of the subset()-method to get subcorpus objects from corpus and subcorpus objects. A set of experimental methods for an initial check of the feasibility of a non-standard evaluation approach to the generation of subcorpora has been dropped (methods $, ==, !=, zoom for corpus-class).
  • To facilitate the transition from the partition class (inheriting from the textstat class) to the subcorpus class (inheriting from the textstat class), there is a new coerce()-method to turn a partition object into a subcorpus object.
  • A new remote_corpus-class is the basis for accessing remote corpora. A remote_subcorpus can be derived from a remote_corpus. Methods available for remote corpora und subcorpora remain limited at this stage.
  • Consolidation of the class system: For all the S4 classes in the package, multiple contains have been checked, and multiple contains have been removed.
  • The subcorpus_bundle class now inherits from partition_bundle. This is not intended to be a long-term solution, but facilitates the implementation of new workflows based on the subcorpus class rather than the partition class.
  • Calling the polmineR shiny app via polmineR did not have safeguards if the suggested packages shiny and shinythemes were not installed. Now there will be a conditional installation of the packages required for running the shiny app.
  • The somewhat odd class CorpusOrSubcorpus has been removed. The ngrams-method now applies for corpus and subcorpus objects.
  • The pipe operator of the magrittr package is imported now, and magrittr has moved from a suggested package to a required package.
  • The label()-method, present for a while, is superseded by a edit()-method now. It will call a shiny gadget either using DataTables or Handsontable. The former Labels reference class has been turned into a S4 class, because the desired reference logic can also be achieved with a data.table in a slot of the labels class.
  • The table-slot of the kwic class has been renamed as stat slot (a data.table), so that the kwic class can now inherit from the textstat class. The enrich()-method for objects of class kwic now includes a new argument extra that will add extra tokens to the left of the windows for concordances so that qualitative inspections for query hits can work with more context.
  • The as.TermDocumentMatrix() and the as.DocumentTermMatrix()-methods are now also defined for kwic objects. They work exactly the same as for the context class. To avoid having to write new methods, a new neighborhood virtual class has been introduced. The aforementioned methods are defined for the virtual class and are available for context and kwic class objects.
  • Added CQP functionality to count tab in shiny app, and to the dispersion tab.
  • There is now a basic implementation of get_token_stream() for a partition_bundle object.
  • The Cooccurrences()-method is now available for subcorpus-objects (#88).
  • There is a new coerce method to turn a kwic-object into a context-object. The neighborhood virtual class could be discarded again, and a bug could be removed that left an enrich()-operation for kwic objects (argument p_attribute) ineffectual (#103).
  • A potential error resulting from setting argument cpos to FALSE in the kwic()-method has been solved (#106), and the documentation of the argument has been rewritten so that includes a warning to use the argument falsely.
  • If the properties “version” and “build_date” are available in a registry file, the information will be shown when calling use() (#72).

Minor changes

  • Added a new argument regex to the cpos()-method (for corpus objects), which will interpret argument query as a regular expression. This may be faster than taking query as an outright CQP query.
  • The configure-script in the package that would adjust paths in the registry files for the corpora included in the package for documentation and testing purposes has been removed. Having switched to a temporary registry directory, it has lost its function.
  • The version of the data.table package now required is 1.12.2, because previous versions did not allow adding columns to a new data.table.
  • Implemented the possibility to use multiple queries in dispersion-method (#92).
  • To keep up with the renaming of functions and arguments in the package, “sAttributes” and “pAttributes” in the polmineR shiny app have been renamed (“s_attributes”, and “p_attributes”, respectively).
  • The shiny app module for kwic output will not show p_attribute and positivelist by default.
  • The format()-method is used to create proper output in the cooccurrences of the shiny app.
  • User names that include non-ASCII characters were a persistent problem on Windows machines (#66). The solution now is to check for non-ASCII characters in the path to the data directory, and to use the “old” short DOS path if necessary. The worker is a modified registry()-function.
  • The ordering of the table for ll-method had been somewhat mixed up, which is repaired now. Tokens with NA values for the ll-test will show up at the end of the table.
  • The registry_move()-function, used only internally at this stage, is exported now so that it can be used by other packages.
  • The return value of the get_token_stream()-method for regions objects was a data.table. The behavior is now in line with the other get_token_stream() methods
  • The tempcorpus()-method and the tempcorpus class have been removed from the package, having become utterly deprecated.
  • The summary()-method for partition-class objects has been turned into a method for the count-class, to eliminate an inconsistency. The example of a workflow has been moved to the documentation object for the count-class.
  • The browse()-method has not proven to be useful and has been removed from the package. A new browse()-function is introduced to throw a warning, if browse should be called nevertheless.
  • A refactoring of the split()-method for partition-objects improved the readability of the code, but the performance gain is minimal.
  • A new kwic_bundle-class has been introduced, a list of kwic objects can be turned into this new class using as.bundle.
  • The context()-method will now take again as input character vectors for the arguments left and right to expand to the left and right boundaries of the designated region (#87).
  • Rework of the way messages are printed to make it easy to implement notifications in the shiny environment.
  • Default highlighting when a positivelist is supplied has been removed from the kwic()-method. This ensures that subsequent highlighting operations can assign new colors (#38).
  • Implemented feature request for dispersion() that results are reported for all values of structural attributes, including those with zero matches. (#104)
  • Performance improved for the cpos-method for matrix which unfolds a matrix with regions of corpus positions, useful for operations that require many calls.
  • The count-method for partition_bundle has been reworked and is much faster and more memory efficient.
  • as.TermDocumentMatrix() for partition_bundle optimized to work efficiently with large corpora.
  • Introduction of a context,matrix-method to have a unified auxiliary function to create contexts.
  • The as.corpusEnc()-function uses the localeToCharset()-function from the utils package to determine the charset of input strings. On RStudio Server, we have seen cases when the return value is NA. Then it will be assumed that the locale is UTF-8.
  • Functionality to highlight terms in kwic display has been restored for the shiny app.

Bug fixes

  • Removed a bug in the context()/kwic() method that led to superfluous words in the right context.
  • Removed a bug that occurred with the as.data.frame()-method for kwic-objects when no metadata were added.
  • The count()-method for partition_bundle-objects did not perform iconv() if necessary - this has been corrected.
  • Indexing the concordances of a kwic object did not reduce the cpos table concurringly. This has been corrected.
  • The as.speeches()-method failed to handle situations correctly, when one speaker occurring in the corpus only contributed one single region to the entire corpus (#86). This behavior has been debugged.
  • Counting over a partition_bundle started to throw a warning that an argument arrives at the cpos()-method that is not used. The cause for the warning message is removed, an additional unit test has been introduced to recognize issues with the count-method (#90).
  • The kwic()-method threw an error when trimming the matches by using a positivelist or a stoplist resulted in no remaining matches. The method will now return a NULL object and keep issuing a warning if no matches remain after filtering (#91).
  • Chaining subsetting calls on a corpus/subcorpus omitted filling the s_attribute slot of the subcorpus object, resulting in false results when counting over subcorpora. Fixed.
  • Started to remove bugs in the shiny app: kwic starts to work again (bug: slot table has been replaced by stat).
  • The part of the shiny app for dispersions did not work at all - has been repaired, exposing more functionality of dispersion() (#62).
  • In the as.speeches()-method, the argument verbose was not used (#64) - this had been addressed when solving issue #86.
  • Telling messages when sending out emails - on success and error - have been added (#61).
  • A shortcoming in coerce method to turn a subcorpus into a String was removed: A semicolon was not recognized as a punctuation mark. This makes decoding subcorpora as Annotation more robust. The respective unit test has been updated.
  • Calling read() on a kwic object works again (#84).
  • Checks for the as.VCorpus() method that failed are now ok (#77). The reason was that get_token_stream() assumed implicitly that a p-attribute “pos” is present, which is not the case for the REUTERS test corpus.
  • A minor bug in the s_attributes-method was removed that would make retrieving the metadata for the first strucs (index 0) of a s-attribute impossible.
  • Fixed an issue for as.DocumentTermMatrix that started to occur with the introduction of the subcorpus_bundle class (#100).
  • Removed a bug in the kwic-method for character that prevented using different values for right and left context (#101).
  • Removed a bug that occurred when using as.DocumentTermMatrix() on a corpus stated by corpus ID / length-one character vector (#105).
  • Removed a bug from the kwic,character-method, and the context,corpus-method that would result in odd behavior when either the left or right context is 0.
  • An endemic encoding issue for full text output on Windows machines (latin1 encoding) has been solved by replacing internally markdown::markdownToHTML by a direct call to markdown::renderMarkdown. On this occasion, some overhead preparing fulltext output has been removed.
  • A bug that prevented getting extra left and right context for kwic objects has been removed (#102).
  • The as.TermDocumentMatrix()-method for neighborhood-objects returned a DocumentTermMatrix (unintendedly), this bug is removed now.


  • Extended documentation for pmi()-method and t_test()-method.
  • New s_attributes()-method for corpus-class.
  • The documentation for the corpus-class has been rewritten entirely, and the documentation for the remote_corpus-class has been integrated, whereas methods applicable to the remote_corpous-class were integrated into the documentation objects for the respective methods.
  • The documentation for the get_token_stream()-method has been reworked and expanded thoroughly (#65). On this occasion, test coverage for the method has been improved significantly. (Everything is tested now apart from parallelization.)

polmineR 0.7.11 2019-01-08


  • A Cooccurrences()-method and a Cooccurrences-class have been migrated from the (experimental) polmineR.graph package to polmineR to generate and manage all cooccurrences in a corpus/partition. A cooccurrenes()-method produces a subset of Cooccurrences-class object and is the basis for ensuring that results are identical.
  • New functionality to make using corpora more robust when paths include special characters: There is now a temporary data directory which is a subdirectory of the per-session temporary directory. A new function data_dir() will return this temporary data directory. The use()-function will now check for non-ASCII characters in the path to binary corpus data and move the corpus data to the temporary data directory (a subdirectory of the directory returned by data_dir()), if necessary. An argument tmp added to use() will force using a temporary directory. The temporary files are removed when the package is detached.
  • Experimental functionality for a non-standard evaluation approach to create subcorpora via a zoom()-method. See documentation for (new) corpus-class (?"corpus-class") and extended documentation for partition-class (?"partition-class"). A new corpus()-method for character vector serves as a constructor. This is a beginning of somewhat re-arranging the class structure: The regions-class now inherits from the new corpus-class, and a new subcorpus-class inherits from the regions-class.
  • A new function check_cqp_query() offers a preliminary check whether a CQP query may be faulty. It is used by the cpos()-method, if the new argument check is TRUE. All higher-level functions calling cpos() also include this new argument. Faulty queries may still cause a crash of the R session, but the most common source is prevent now, hopefully.
  • A format()-method is defined for textstat, cooccurrences, and features, moving the formatting of tables out of the view(), and print()-methods. This will be useful when including tables in R Markdown documents.
  • The highlight()-method for character and html objects now has the arguments regex and perl, so that regular expressions can be used for highlighting (#99).
  • The as.data.frame()-method for kwic-objects has seen a small performance improvement, and is more robust now if the order of columns changes unexpectedly.


  • Startup messages reporting the package version of polmineR and the registry path are omitted now.
  • The functions registry() and data_dir() now accept an argument pkg. The functions will return the path to the registry directory / the data directory within a package, if the argument is used.
  • The data.table-package used to be imported entirely, now the package is imported selectively. To avoid namespace conflicts, the former S4 method as.data.table() is now a S3 method. Warnings appearing if the data.table package is loaded after polmineR are now omitted.
  • The coerce()-methodes to turn textstat, cooccurrences, features and kwic objects into htmlwidgets now set a pageLength.
  • New methods for partition_bundle objects: [[<-, $, $<-
  • Rework of indexing textstat objects.
  • A slot p_attribute has been added to the kwic-class; kwic()-methods and methods to process kwic-objects are now able to use the attribute thus indicated, and not just the p-attribute “word”.
  • A new size()-method for context-objects will return the size of the corpus of interest (coi) and the reference corpus (ref).
  • New encoding()-method for character vector.
  • New name()-method for character vector.
  • A new count()-method for context-objects will return the data.table in the stat-slot with the counts for the tokens in the window.
  • The decode()-function replaces a decode()-method and can be applied to partitions. The return value is a data.table which can be coerced to a tibble, serving as an interface to tidytext (#37).
  • The ngrams()-method will work for corpora, and a new show()-method for textstat-object generates a proper output (#27).


  • Any usage of tempdir() is wrapped into normalizePath(…, winslash = “/”), to avoid mixture of file separators in a path, which may cause problems on Windows systems.
  • In the calculation of cooccurrences, the node has previously been included in the window size. This has been corrected.
  • The kwic()-method for corpora returned one surplus token to the left and to the right of the query. The excess tokens are not removed.
  • The object returned by the kwic()-method for character-objects method did not include the correct position of matches in the cpos slot. Corrected.
  • Bug removed that occurrs when context window reaches beyond beginning or end of a corpus (#48).
  • When generating a partition_bundle using the as.speeches()-method, an error could occur when an empty partition has been generated accidentaly. Has been removed. (#50)
  • The as.VCorpus()-method is not available if the tm-package has been loaded previously. A coerce method (as(OBJECT, "VCorpus")) solves the issue. Theas.VCorpus()`-method is still around, but serves as a wrapper for the formal coerce-method (#55).
  • The argument verbose as used by the use()-method did not have any effect. Now, messages are not reported as would be expected, if verbose is FALSE. On this occasion, we took care that corpora that are activated are now reported in capital letters, which is consistent with the uppercase logic you need to follow when using corpora. (#47)
  • A new check prevents an error that has occurred when a token queried by the context()-method would occurr at the very beginning or very end of a corpus and the window would transgress the beginning / end of the corpus without being checked (#44).
  • The as.speeches()-function caused an error when the type of the partition was not defined. Solved (#57).
  • To deal with issues resulting from an unset locale, there is a check during startup whether the locale is unset (i.e. ‘C’) (#39).
  • There was a difficulty to generate a TermDocumentMatrix from a partition_bundle if the partitions in the partition_bundle were not named. The fix is to assign integer numbers as names to the partitions (#58).


  • Substantial rework of the documentation of the ll(), and chisquare()-methods to make the statistical procedure used transparent.
  • Expanded documentation for cooccurrences()-method to explain subsetting results vs applying positivelist/negativelist (#28).
  • Wrote some documentation for the round()-method for textstat-objects that will show up in documentation of textstat class.
  • Improved documentation of the mail()-method (#31).
  • In the examples for the decode()-function, using the REUTERS corpus replaces the usage of the GERMAPARLMINI corpus, to reduce time consumed when checking the package.

polmineR 0.7.10 2018-09-18


  • The package now offers a simplified and seamless workflow for dictionary-based sentiment analysis: The weigh()-method has been implemented for the classes count and count_bundle. Via inheritance, it will also be available for the partition- and partition_bundle-classes. Then, a new summary()-method for partition-class objects is introduced. If the object has been weighed, the list that is returned will include a report on weights. There is an example that explains the workflow.
  • The partition_bundle-method for context-objects has been reworked entirely (and is working again); a new partition-method for context-objects has been introduced. Buth steps are intended for workflows for dictionary-based sentiment analysis.
  • The highlight()-method is now implemented for class kwic. You can highlight words in the neighborhood of a node that are part of a dictionaty.
  • A new knit_print()-method for textstat- and kwic-objects offers a seamless inclusion of analyses in Rmarkdown documents.
  • A coerce()-method to turn a kwic-object into a htmlwidget has been singled out from the show()-method for kwic-objects. Now it is possible to generate a htmlwidget from a kwic object, and to include the widget into a Rmarkdown document.
  • A new coerce()-method to turn textstat-objects into an htmlwidget (DataTable), very useful for Rmarkdown documents such as slides.
  • A new argument height for the html()-method will allow to define a scroll box. Useful to embed a fulltext output to a Rmarkdown document.


  • The partition_bundle-class, rather than inheriting from bundle-class directly, will now inherit from the count_bundle-class
  • The use()-function is limited now to activating the corpus in data packages. Having introduced the session registry, switching registry directories is not needed any more.
  • The as.regions()-function has been turned into a as.regions()-method to have a more generic tool.
  • Some refactoring of the context-method, so that full use of data.table speeds up things.
  • The highlight()-method allows definitions of terms to be highlighted to be passed in via three dots (…); no explicit list necessary.
  • A new as.character()-method for kwic-class objects is introduced.


  • The size_coi-slot (coi for corpus of interest) of the context-object included the node; the node (i.e. matches for queries) is excluded now from the count of size_coi.
  • When calling use(), the registry directory is reset for CQP, so that the corpora in the package that have been activated can be used with CQP syntax.
  • The script configure.win has been removed so that installation works on Windows without an installation of Rtools.
  • Bug removed from s_attributes()-method for partition-objects: “fast track” was activated without preconditions.
  • Bug removed that would swallow metadata/s-attributes to be displayed in kwic-output after highlighting.
  • As a matter of consistency, the argument meta has been renamed to s_attributes for the kwic()-method for context-objects, and for the enrich()-method for kwic-objects.
  • To avoid confusion (with argument s_attributes), the argument s_attribute to check for integrity within a struc has been renamed into boundary.


  • Documentation for kwic-objects has been reworked thoroughly.

polmineR 0.7.9 2018-07-09

  • new as.list,bundle-method for convenience, to access slot objects
  • as.bundle is more generic now, so that any kind of object can be coerced to a bundle now
  • as.speeches-method turned into function that allows partition and corpus as input
  • is.partition-function introduced
  • sAttributes,partition-method in line with RcppCWB requirements (no negative values of strucs)
  • count repaired for muliple p-attributes
  • bug removed causing a crash for as.markdown-method when cutoff is larger than number of tokens
  • polmineR will now work with a temporary registry in the temporary session directory
  • a (new) registry_move() function is used to copy files to the tmp registry
  • the (new) registry() function will get the temporary registry directory
  • the use() function will add the registry file of a package to the tmp registry
  • a bug removed that has prevented the name<- method to work properly for bundle objects
  • new partition_bundle,partition_bundle-method introduced
  • naming of methods and functions, classes and most arguments moved to snake_case, maintaining backwards compatibility
  • utility function getObjects not exported any more
  • for count,partition_bundle-method, column ‘partition’ will be a character vector now (not factor)
  • new argument ‘type’ added to partition_bundle
  • new method ‘get_type’ introduced to make getting corpus type more robust
  • bug removed that has caused a crash when cutoff is larger than number of tokens in a partition when calling get_token_stream
  • count-method will now return count-object if query is NULL, making it easier to write pipes

polmineR 0.7.8 2018-05-15

  • upon loading the package, check that data directories are set correctly in registry files to make sure that sample data in pre-compiled packages can be used
  • startup messages adjusted slightly

polmineR 0.7.7 2018-05-10

  • removed depracated classes: dispersion, Textstat (reference class), Partition (reference class)
  • divide-methode moved to package polmineR.misc
  • bug removed: size of ngrams object was always 1
  • dotplot-method added for featuresNgrams
  • sample corpus GermaParlMini added to the package (replacing suggested package polmineR.sampleCorpus)
  • configuration mechanism added to set path to data directory in registry file upon installation
  • class hits now inherits from class ‘textstat’, exposing a set of generic functions (such as dim, nrow etc.); slot ‘dt’ changed to ‘stat’ for this purpose
  • count,partitionBundle and hits,partitionBundle: cqp parameter added
  • RegistryFile class replaced by a set of leightweight-functions (corpus_…)
  • encode-method moved to cwbtools package
  • getTerms,character-method and terms,partition-method merged
  • examples using EUROPARL corpus have been replaced by REUTERS corpus (including vignette)
  • param id2str has been renamed to decode in all functions to avoid unwanted behavior
  • robust indexing of bundle objects for subsetting
  • optional settings have been cleaned
  • reliance on cwb command line tools removed
  • encoding issue with names of partitionBundle solved

polmineR 0.7.6 Unreleased

  • functionality of matches-method (breakdown of frequencies of matches) integrated into count-method (new param breakdown)
  • corpus REUTERS included (as data for testsuite)
  • adjust data directory of REUTERS corpus upon loading package
  • a pkgdown-generated website is included in the docs directory
  • consistent use of .message helper function to make shiny app work
  • bug removed for count-method when options(“polmineR.cwb-lexdecode”) is TRUE and options(“polmineR.Rcpp”) is FALSE
  • if CORPUS_REGISTRY is not defined, the registry directory in the package will be used, making REUTERS corpus available
  • getSettings-function removed, was not sufficiently useful, and was superseded by template mechanism
  • new class ‘count’ introduced to organize results from count operations
  • at startup, default template is assigned for corpora without explicitly defined templates to make read() work in a basic fashion
  • new cpos,hits-method to support highlight method
  • tooltips-method to reorder functionality of html/highlight/tooltip-methods
  • param charoffset added to html-method
  • coerce-method from partition to json and vice versa, potentially useful for storing partitions
  • sAttributes2cpos to work properly with nested xml
  • partition,partition-method reworked to work properly with nested XML
  • encoding of return value of sAttributes will be locale
  • references added to methods count, kwic, cooccurrences, features.
  • as.DocumentTermMatrix,character-method reworked to allow for subsetting and divergence of strucs and struc_str
  • html,partition-method has new option beautify, to remove whitespace before interpunctuation
  • output error removed in html,partition-method (that misinterprets `` as code block)
  • the class Corpus now has a slot sAttribute to keep/manage a data.table with corpus positions and struc values, and there is a new partition,Corpus-method. In compbination, it will be a lot faster to derive a partition, particularly if you need to do that repeatedly
  • a new function install.cwb() provides a convenient way to install CWB in the package
  • added a missing encoding conversion for the count method

polmineR 0.7.5 2017-10-04

  • class ‘Regions’ renamed to class ‘regions’ as a matter of consistency
  • data type of slot cpos of class ‘regions’ is a matrix now
  • rework and improved documentation for decode- and encode-methods
  • new functions copy.corpus and rename.corpus
  • as.DocumentTermMatrix-method checks for strucs with value -1
  • improved as.speeches-method: reordering of speeches, default values
  • blapply-method: verbose output will be suppressed of progress is TRUE

polmineR 0.7.4 2017-07-17

  • applying stoplists and positivelists working again for context-method
  • matches-method to learn about matches for CQP queries replacing frequencies-method
  • Rework of enrich-method, including documentation.
  • param ‘neighbor’ dropped from kwic,context-method; params positivelist and negativelist offer equivalent functionality
  • highlight-method for (newly exported) kwic-method (for validation purposes)
  • performance improvement for partitionBundle,character-method
  • a new Labels class and label method for generating test data
  • bug removed for partitionBundle,character-class, and performance improved
  • Improved explanation of the installation procedure for Mac in the package vignette
  • for context-method: param sAttribute working again to check boundaries of match regions
  • sample-method for objects of class kwic and context
  • kwic, cpos, and context method will accept queries of length > 1
  • use-function and resetRegistry-function reworked
  • more explicit startup message to get info about version, registry and interface
  • encoding issues solved for size-method, hits-method and dispersion-method
  • use-function will now work for users working with polmineR.Rcpp as interface

polmineR 0.7.3 2017-05-24

  • new installed.corpora() convenience function to list all data packages with corpora
  • view-method and show-method for cooccurrences-objects now successfully redirect output to RStudio viewer
  • data.table-style indexing of objects inheriting from textstat-class
  • for windows compatibility, as.corpusEnc/as.nativeEnc for encoding conversion
  • performance gain for size-method by using polmineR.Rcpp
  • dissect-method dropped (replaced by size)
  • improved documentation of size-method
  • labels for cooccurrences-output
  • cooccurrencesBundle-class and cooccurrence-method for bundle restored
  • as.data.table for cooccurrencesBundle-class
  • count-method for whole corpus for pAttribute > 1
  • functionality of meta-method merged into sAttributes-method (meta-method dropped)
  • speed improvements for generating html output for reading
  • previously unexported highlight-method now exported, and more robust than before (using xml2)
  • progress bars for multicore operations now generated by pbapply package
  • starting to use testthat for unit testing

polmineR 0.7.2 2017-03-24

  • updated documentation of partition-method.
  • documentation of hits-method improved
  • use-methode: default value for pkg ist NULL (return to default registry), function more robust
  • Rework for parsing the registry
  • rework of templates, are part of options now (see ?setTemplate, ?getTemplate)
  • experimental use of polmineR.Rcpp-package for fast counts for whole corpus
  • new convenience function install.corpus to install CWB corpus wrapped into R data package
  • adjustments to make package compatible with polmineR.shiny
  • cpos-method to get hits more robust if there are not matches for string
  • hits-method removes NAs
  • compare-method renamed to features-method
  • warnings caused by startup on windows removed

polmineR 0.7.1 2017-02-27

  • size-method now allows for a param ‘sAttribute’
  • hits-method reworked, allows for names query vectors
  • first version that can be installed on windows

polmineR 0.7.0 2017-02-14

  • rcqp package moved to suggests, to facilitate installation

polmineR 0.6.3 Unreleased

  • more generic implementation of as.markdown-method to prepare use of templates
  • LICENSE file updated
  • getTokenStream,character-method: new default behavior for params left and right
  • use of templates for as.markdown-method
  • Regions and TokenStream class (not for frontend use, so far)
  • getTermFrequencies-method merged into count-method
  • Corpus class introduced
  • decode- and encode-methods introduced

polmineR 0.6.2 2016-09-07

  • refactoring of context-method to prepare more consistent usage
  • progress bar for context-method (using blapply)
  • progress bar for partitionBundle (using blapply)
  • more coherent naming of parameters in partitionBundle-method
  • partitionBundle,character-method debugged and more robust
  • usage of blapply in as.speeches-method
  • hits-method: paramter cqp defaults to FALSE for hits-method, size defaults to FALSE
  • new parameter cqp for dispersion-method
  • aggregation for dispersion-method when length(sAttribute) == 1
  • bugfix for ngrams-method, sample code for the method

polmineR 0.6.1 2016-06-23

  • configure file removed to avoid unwanted bugs

polmineR 0.6.0 2016-06-22

  • this is the first version that passes all CRAN tests and that is available via CRAN
  • the ‘rcqp’ remains the interface to the CWB, but usage of rcqp functions is wrapped into an new new CQI.rcqp (R6) class. CQI.perl and CQI.cqpserver are introduced as alternative interfaces to prepare portability to Windows systems
  • code in the vignette and method examples will be executed conditionally, if rcqp and the polmineR.sampleCorpus are available
  • the polmineR.sampleCorpus package is available in a drat repo at www.github.com/PolMine
  • a series of bug fixes

polmineR 0.5.6 Unreleased

  • slot tf renamed to stat, class is data.table now
  • keyness_method moved to data.tables

polmineR 0.5.3 Unreleased

  • renamed collocations to cooccurrences, seems more appropriate

polmineR 0.5.2 Unreleased

  • multicore for term frequency counts (param for partition)

polmineR 0.5.0 Unreleased

  • renamed xxxCluster to xxxBundle, bundle-superclass introduced
  • slot label/labels renamed to name/names
  • name/names-method instead of label/labels