2 Data Report - Linguistic and Structural Annotation

In the CWB version of the corpus, the data is both linguistically and structurally annotated. Using the language of the CWB, most linguistic annotation layers are provided in the form of positional attributes on token level. Aside from a tokens’s surface form (the word itself), these might include Part-of-Speech tags or lemmata and can be used to formulate complex queries. In contrast, structural attributes describe regions of the corpus characterized by a set of metadata such as a date, a specific speaker or a combination of different attributes. Structural attributes resemble variables one can use to conduct a targeted analysis of the textual data.2

In the following, linguistic annotation layers are presented first. Afterwards, the major structural attributes are presented. To illustrate the possibilities this data structure provides for analysis, some parsimonious examples of code are provided along with the presentation of different attributes. These show the syntax used by the polmineR R package (version

2.1 Linguistic Annotation

GermaParl is linguistically annotated. Aside from tokenization, the data was lemmatized and Part-of-Speech-Tags (POS-Tags) as well as Named Entities were added. Lemmata and POS-Tags have been added on token-level. An overview of linguistic annotation layers annotated as positional attributes can be found in table 2.1.

Table 2.1: The description of positional attributes in the GermaParl Corpus
p-attribute description values
word the word as it occurs in text word
upos the part-of-speech-tag of the word according to the Universal Dependencies Tagset for example NOUN or CONJ
xpos the part-of-speech-tag of the word according to the Stuttgart-Tübingen Tagset¹ for example ADJA, NN, VVINF
lemma the lemmatized form of the word lemma
1 see for example the overview provided here: https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/ressourcen/lexika/germantagsets/ (2023-12-22)

As illustrated by table 2.2, the corpus can be represented as a so-called token stream. The text can be read vertically with each column being a specific annotation layer.

Table 2.2: A token stream representation of the GermaParl corpus
cpos word xpos upos lemma
0 Meine PPOSAT PRON mein
1 Damen NN NOUN Dame
2 und KON CCONJ und
3 Herren NN NOUN Herr
4 ! $. PUNCT !
5 Abgeordnete NN NOUN Abgeordnete
6 des ART DET die
7 Deutschen ADJA PROPN deutsch
8 Bundestags NN PROPN Bundestag
9 ! $. PUNCT !
The first ten tokens of the corpus comprise the speech of Paul Löbe, 1949-09-07

These linguistic features can be used to formulate complex queries. For example, one could be interested in text sequences in which the term “Liebe” (as love) occurs as a noun (“NN”) and is thereby different to the same German word which can be used as a form of address (“Liebe” as in the English “Dear”). In polmineR the appropriate syntax would look like the following line of code.

     query = '[word = "Liebe" & xpos = "NN"]',
     cqp = TRUE,
     regex = TRUE)

For an in-depth introduction into the CQP query language used here, please consult either the aforementioned UCSSR teaching materials or the CQP manual by Stephanie Evert and the CWB Development Team.

While also part of the linguistic annotation, Named Entities are not added as positional attributes. They can span multiple tokens and are encoded as structural attributes which are discussed later. As linguistic annotation, the named entities annotation distinguishes between the four classes “LOCATION”, “ORGANIZATION”, “PERSON” and “MISC”. These are added and addressed as the structural attribute ne_type. The following code chunk chows one way to perform a CQP query using a structural attribute.

corpus("GERMAPARL2") |>
  polmineR::count(query = '/region[ne_type,a]::a.ne_type="ORGANIZATION"',
                  cqp = TRUE,
                  breakdown = TRUE)

2.2 Structural Annotation

Different regions of the corpus are characterized by different metadata. This structural annotation comprises of different attributes which are either on the document level (temporal information such as date, year or legislative period as well as the session number), on the level of utterances made by different speakers (speaker name, party affiliation, parliamentary group affiliation, speaker role) or below the utterance level like the annotation of sentences or paragraphs. Importantly it is also annotated whether a region refers to a ordinary speech or is an interjection of another speaker or another non-vocal contribution. In table 2.3 the structural attributes of the GermaParl corpus are described in the way they are encoded in the CWB version of the corpus.

Table 2.3: Overview of structural attributes in the GermaParl corpus
s-attribute description values
protocol protocol node corresponding to the document node in the TEI/XML
protocol_lp legislative period 1 to 19
protocol_no session/protocol number 1 to 282
protocol_date date of the session YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. ‘1999-11-25’)
protocol_year year of the session 1949 to 2021
protocol_url the url of the source document of the session an url
protocol_filetype the file type of the source document of the session txt, xml, pdf
speaker speaker node corresponding to the speaker node in the TEI/XML
speaker_who speaker name as found in the protocol (might have been consolidated) speaker name, e.g. “Müller (Berlin)”
speaker_name consolidated and disambiguated speaker name speaker name, e.g. “Johannes Müller”
speaker_parlgroup parliamentary group of the speaker name of a parliamentary group, e.g. “CDU/CSU”
speaker_party party of the speaker name of a party, e.g. “CDU”
speaker_role role of the speaker government, mp, presidency
p regions making up paragraphs in the CWB corpus NULL
p_type type of the paragraph, whether a paragraph represents an ordinary speech or an interjection speech or stage
ne regions making up named entities in the CWB corpus NULL
ne_type type of the named entity LOCATION, MISC, ORGANIZATION, PERSON
s regions making up sentences in the CWB corpus NULL

In the following, further attributes of the corpus are described briefly.


Addressing an obvious omission first, the current version of GermaParl does not provide a structural attribute for individual speeches. The definition of a speech might not be the same for each user of the resource. In particular, not every brief interruption should necessarily result in a long speech being considered as two or more separate speeches. However, using the attributes for speakers and dates, speeches can be reconstructed by creating specific subcorpora with polmineR.

speeches <- as.speeches("GERMAPARL2",
                        s_attribute_name = "speaker_name",
                        s_attribute_date = "protocol_date",
                        gap = 50)

The text itself is not filtered, but the structural attributes p_type and ne_type provide the possibility to subset the text to filter out interjections, for example. A previous Release Note discussed the hierarchical structure of the data in some detail. The following code example illustrates this:

merkel_without_interjection <- corpus("GERMAPARL2") |>
  subset(p_type == "speech") |>
  subset(speaker_name == "Angela Merkel")

Size and Time

The entire corpus comprises of 270 million tokens. The corpus covers the period between 1949-09-07 and 2021-09-07. Figure 2.1 shows the temporal distribution of tokens over the corpus which can be accessed via the structural attribute protocol_year.

GermaParl Corpus - Tokens per Year

Figure 2.1: GermaParl Corpus - Tokens per Year

It becomes apparent that some years exhibit more parliamentary activity than others. Election years are clearly distinguishable in this regard. Furthermore, over the course of the years, the number of tokens per year increases. This seems to be caused mainly by an increase in the number of speeches per session. In addition, while the longest speeches were held at the beginning of the German Bundestag (in the first three legislative periods), after a drop following this initial period of high activity, the mean length of speeches also increases over the course of time.

the date of a session is stored in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. As additional temporal attributes the legislative period, the session and the year are provided.

Parliamentary Groups

The parliamentary group a speaker is affiliated to can be addressed via the structural attribute speaker_parlgroup. There are 23 parliamentary groups in the corpus which are illustrated in table 2.4.

Table 2.4: Parliamentary Groups in the GermaParl corpus
speaker_parlgroup size
AfD 2575313
BP 257936
CDU/CSU 66511854
DA 30652
DIE LINKE 9129840
DP 1369798
DP/FVP 119581
DRP 86945
FDP 29068928
FU 212937
FVP 55068
GB/BHE 595228
GRUENE 19648074
KPD 1147443
NA 73608998
NR 31854
PDS 3900412
SPD 60602427
SRP 12601
WAV 163687
Z 344380
fraktionslos 1014154
parteilos 11147

Figure 2.2 shows the absolute number of tokens uttered by each parliamentary group.

Number of Tokens per Parliamentary Group in the GermaParl corpus

Figure 2.2: Number of Tokens per Parliamentary Group in the GermaParl corpus

Note that only members of parliament have a parliamentary group. For all other speakers, this value will be “NA”. Furthermore, different versions of the same parliamentary group’s name have been harmonized under one label.


The party affiliation can be addressed via the structural attribute speaker_party. There are 31 parties in the corpus. Table 2.5 as well as figure 2.3 illustrate the absolute number of tokens uttered by each party.

Table 2.5: Parties in the GermaParl corpus
speaker_party size
AfD 2519388
BHE 535
BHE|CDU 52542
BP 341223
CDU 72606115
CDU oder parteilos 169397
CSU 24896652
DIE LINKE 10334921
DKP-DRP 154280
DP 1775734
DPS 2505
DP|CDU 104070
DSU 1061
Die PARTEI 19688
FDP 41368495
FDP|FVP 120716
FDV 179
FVP 5004
GB/BHE 554977
GDP 22933
GRUENE 23133575
KPD 1147592
LKR 54271
NA 901937
PDS 4506397
Partei Rechtsstaatlicher Offensive 2679
SPD 84261670
SSW 8746
WAV 257581
Z 490279
parteilos 684115

Parties in the GermaParl corpus

Figure 2.3: Parties in the GermaParl corpus

Note: The speaker with the label “CDU oder parteilos” is Ludwig Erhard. The timing of Erhard’s party affiliation seems to be unclear (see for example https://www.ludwig-erhard.de/stichworte/ludwig-erhard-und-die-cdu/).

Similar to parliamentary groups, there can be a number of different names for the same party over the years. These could be either harmonized in the external data or in the final data set. For now, we opted for the latter.


There are 6 different roles a speaker can occupy: governmental actors (“government”), member of parliament (“mp”), presidential speaker (“presidency”) as well as miscellaneous speakers (which can represent a number of roles such as the head of state (Bundespräsident) or (international) guest speakers) and speakers of the federal council which attend the sessions of the Bundestag occasionally. In addition, the parliamentary commissioner (Wehrbeauftragte:r des Deutschen Bundestages) is annotated. Table 2.6 and figure 2.4 provide information about the distribution of roles in the corpus. These different roles are accessed via the s-attribute speaker_role.

Table 2.6: Parliamentary Roles in the GermaParl corpus
speaker_role size
federal_council 2685510
government 43034066
misc 95275
mp 196924548
parliamentary_commissioner 130833
presidency 27629025

Parliamentary Roles in the GermaParl corpus

Figure 2.4: Parliamentary Roles in the GermaParl corpus


The structural attribute speaker_name identifies individual speakers. Table 2.7 shows the 20 speakers who utter the most words in the corpus.

Table 2.7: Top 20 Speakers in the GermaParl corpus by number of tokens
speaker_name size
Wolfgang Schäuble 1551050
Richard Jaeger 1479986
Hermann Otto Solms 1415667
Norbert Lammert 1414751
Helmut Kohl 1402662
Carlo Schmid 1400575
Petra Pau 1379872
Franz Josef Strauß 1367877
Eugen Gerstenmaier 1332287
Helmut Schmidt 1319894
Wolfgang Thierse 1132247
Annemarie Renger 1116867
Heinz Westphal 1115324
Angela Merkel 1040660
Gerhard Schröder 1023329
Hermann Schmitt-Vockenhausen 1021189
Antje Vollmer 1015376
Dieter-Julius Cronenberg 1012807
Otto Graf Lambsdorff 993918
Richard Stücklen 949280

Paragraphs and Sentences

The boundaries of individual paragraphs and sentences are annotated. It is important to note that in table 2.3 the value for the structural attributes p and s is NULL. This means that regions for paragraphs and sentences are annotated and available within the corpus but they do not have any values which can be directly accessed.

Introductory examples of potential ways to use sentence annotation is shown in one session of the “Cookin’ with GermaParl” Webinar Series.

As shown above, paragraphs have an attribute “type” which is used to differentiate between paragraphs which contain ordinary speech and paragraphs which contain stage comments such as interjections.

Additional Remarks

Like most of this documentation, this section focuses on the Corpus Workbench version of the GermaParl v2 corpus. The XML/TEI version of the corpus also contains the annotation of agenda items. Since these annotations are rather experimental, they are not included in the current version of the CWB corpus. Section 3.4.3 on the consolidation of the corpus provides some insights into the preparation of the agenda item annotation.

  1. The CWB corpus data model is described in more detail by Stephanie Evert and the CWB Development Team in the corresponding online documentation of the Corpus Workbench (https://cwb.sourceforge.io/documentation.php, last accessed on 2023-01-04). See in particular https://cwb.sourceforge.io/files/CQP_Manual/1_2.html (last accessed on 2023-01-04).↩︎