by Andreas Blätte
I have been asked often (i.e. very often), whether the polmineR package can be used on Windows machines. For many years, my answer has been: I am very sorry, but I do not yet know any way to make that work. It was a Unix only package. The polmineR-package relies on the rcqp package, and there is no way I would have known to get the rcqp package installed on Windows, due to two C libraries that would be lacking (pcre and glib).
That restriction has tormented my mind for a long time. Today, I am very happy to announce: There is a simple way for non-technical Windows users. You can get the rcqp and the polmineR packages installed on Windows (for 32-bit R) in a feasible way.
All that it takes now is to use a slight modification of the *install.package-mechanism. So this is what needs to be done from the R shell:
install.packages("rcqp", repo = "", type = "binary")
install.packages("polmineR", repo = "", type = "binary")
Installing polmineR will require some dependencies that may not necessarily be present, taking up to a few minutes. Afterwards check whether the package can be loaded.
Please note that rcqp/polmineR will look for the CORPUS_REGISTRY environment variable that indicates the directory of the CWB registry. Standardized text files in that directory describe the corpus. If that environment variable is not set, the quick remedy is to use the Sys.setenv command. Google will get you a bunch of tutorials how to set the environment variable persistently. When you have done that either way: Ready to go to work with the CWB corpora on your system!
Building a binary package does the trick
Admittedly, I could have come across the solution a good deal earlier. A well-established way to distribute R packages for Windows is to offer package binaries. This means that any code that needs to be compiled is already compiled. All kinds of utilities and tools that are not conventionally present on Windows machines are not required once you distribute packages as binaries.
If, as in our scenario, it is hard to compile a package on a Windows computer, the recommended way is to “cross compile” on a Unix machine. This is not the kind of business I am acquainted with. But I was extremely happy that Bernard Desgraupes and Sylvain Loiseau, the authors of the rcqp package, have done that already and offer the compiled C libraries for Windows (32 bit) their rcqp package needs (*.dll-files) at R-Forge.
Having the dlls at hand, I have modified the rcqp package slightly. The dll files are included into the package, and I changed the procedure when loading the package (file zzz.R). The binary is then generated from the command line as follows:
R CMD build polmineR.rcqp --no-build-vignettes --no-manual
R CMD INSTALL --build rcqp_0.4.tar.gz
The resulting binary package is a zipped file ( Using Dirk Eddelbuettel’s drat package, I insert that binary package into the drat archive I offer at the GitHub presence of the PolMine Project. And that’s the place from where you can install the rcqp package using the command given in the intro.
As I realized the usefulness of binaries, that’s how I proceeded further. The polmineR package is not yet available as a Windows compatible package at CRAN. To exploit the ease of installing binary packages from a drat repository, I prepared the zipped binary version of polmineR, thus polmineR can be installed from the drat repository, too.
Binaries are available for MacOS, too
It is fair to say that installing polmineR has neither been particularly easy for Mac users. Installation requires some command line usage. As I came to like binaries, I also prepared a package binary for the rcqp package for MacOS. So here is a new quick way to install things:
install.packages("rcqp", repo = "", type = "binary")
I did not manage to cross-compile rcqp myself. Bernard Desgraupes and Sylvain Loiseau explain the procedure in great detail. Once again I realize and acknowledge the care and mastery they have invested into the rcqp package. Their admirable work is gratefully acknowledged!
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