PolMine Project
Data and Code for Corpus Analysis
Towards polmineR v0.8.0: Pipes ahead
Towards polmineR v0.8.0: Pipes ahead As I work towards the v0.8.0 release of the polmineR package, I have introduced two new classes (corpus and subcorpus), and a somewhat new workflow to work with corpora and subcorpora. It shall eventually replace the known usage of the partition()-method and the partition-class. So...
Towards polmineR v0.8.0: An annotation workflow
Towards polmineR v0.8.0: A new annotation workflow The polmineR package strives to offer a basic programming vocabulary to implement workflows for complex text analytical tasks, including annotation. The basic requirements for this, i.e. the ability to reconstruct (passages of) full text at any time has always been there, but the...
RcppCWB v0.2.6 at CRAN: Towards publishing cwbtools
RcppCWB v0.2.6 at CRAN: Towards publishing cwbtools This week, a new version of RcppCWB made it to CRAN. The package exposes the functionality of the Corpus Worbench, adding a limited number of performance-critical functions written in Rcpp/C++. Packages such as polmineR are built on top of RcppCWB and serve as...
polmineR version 0.7.10 at CRAN
New polmineR version v0.7.10 at CRAN. A few days ago (on September 18, to be exact), a new version of polmineR made it to CRAN. See the NEWS file for a full report on what is new. In this post, I want to highlight what I see as the most...
New RcppCWB version 0.2.5 at CRAN
New RcppCWB version v0.2.5 released. The new RcppCWB version v0.2.5 is a maintanence release with an update of Windows configuration scripts to meet requirements of an upcoming version of Rtools. A big thanks to Jeroen Ooms for his great support! On this occassion, some more words on the package: We...