PolMine Project
Data and Code for Corpus Analysis
polmineR version 0.7.9 at CRAN
New polmineR version v0.7.9 (“Jeanne d’Arc”)! Major changes: The most visible change of polmineR v0.7.9 may be that the package moves to a snake_case coding style. This is increasingly the state-of-the-art of newly developed R packages, and feels much more intuitive when working with the arguments ‘s_attributes’ and ‘p_attributes’ (rather...
polmineR version 0.7.3 at CRAN
New polmineR version (v0.7.3) at CRAN! The new release of the package has seen quite a bit of refactoring. It is the first version that is compatible with Windows. Documentation for many functions/methods has been improved, the package vignette provides an extended introduction to the package. With improved portability and...
Improving performance: polmineR.Rcpp
The polmineR package uses the rcqp package to access CWB indexed corpora. The core of the rcqp package are R-style C functions wrapping functions of the ‘corpus library’ (CL), a core C library of the CWB. This provides speed. Still, in my feverish dreams, I wondered whether I could access...
Finally: polmineR available for Windows (32-bit R)
I have been asked often (i.e. very often), whether the polmineR package can be used on Windows machines. For many years, my answer has been: I am very sorry, but I do not yet know any way to make that work. It was a Unix only package. The polmineR-package relies...
Using Global Vectors for Getting Semantic Fields
Vector representations for words are becoming popular in text mining. In particular, the text2vec algorithm (by Tomáš Mikolov) and the GloVe algorithm (by Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher and Christopher D. Manning) have attracted considerable attention - including mine. These algorithms generate a vector representation of words based on term cooccurrence...